Hashing in Chicago featuring the Hash House Harriers of Chicago. Please note that we highlight the Moon Hashes and the Bushman Hash as the sponsors of this sight. We also list all of the other hashes in the area as a courtesy to all of you, and to put all of the next several weeks worth of hashing in perspective and to give all of you a better chance to pick your own hashing options. As such, we are the best source of Chicago Area Hashing information with links to the other hashes inbedded in announcements for these hashes. Remember to always check their web sites at the listed links because they pull last minute changes. We never list hashes that are moved to another hashes regular scheduled date that undercuts the original hash. Unity through cooperation & coordination leads to greater camaraderie. You can also get a quick area snapshot of standard area hashing dates at our Chicago Area Calendar page. Also check out the updates with hares and locations by checking out the Chicago Area Hash Calendar now listed below or by clicking Hashcal http://freecal.brownbearsw.com/HashCal . If you see any errors, please let me know so they can be corrected ASAP. Normal start times are 2PM, out at 2:30 for weekend hashes and 7PM, out at 7:30 for weekday hashes unless otherwise noted. CH3 GM has requested that we not list them. We have been posting CH3 hashes anyway, at the last posting before each individual hash, as a courtesy to the hares. But since CH3 has decided to roll over both a FCMH3 Hash on Dec 14 and a BMH3 Hash on Dec 15, without trying to work out some reasonable agreement or even the courtesy of a prior notification before sabotaging our hashes, we will not list them until after Dec 16 unless an individual hare specifically requests that we do.
Temporarily being rebuilt