HHHi HHHashers
See my calendar at www.brownbearsw.com/freecal/hashcal and my web site at HHHinChicago.com
Visitors and new hashers (virgins), we start meeting at the listed times and start hashing a half hour later. Time for a quick beer. Anyone want off this list, email Horn-E at H3HornEH3@aol.com and it will be done.New hashers or visitors, many hashes are back yards or parks. Outside. Be prepared for the current weather.
We occasionally charge up to $10 for hash cash. Hash Cash money usually goes entirely to beer, but might
include costs for food. HARES: Please get your locations updated ASAP but at least a week to 10 days in advance so we can publish them. Helps attendance.Hashing has always been open to anyone. Hares: If you can't invite all hashers to "your" hash, perhaps you should postpone "your" hash to when you can. Simply put, if you can't invite all, don't invite any. These are "our" hashes and should be open to all at all times. If you don't know how to make this work, ask us.
Thu. 20 Feb. 2025. 7:00pm, The Thirstday Hash. SnatchSquatch will lay trail from the Humble Bar at 3018 W. North Ave,  $10 Hash ThirstdayH3.com
hash Break
Sun, Feb 23, 2025, 2:00 pm The Chicago Hash, Bottom Wrangler will hare from Parrot's at Wellington and Halsted .Hash Cash, $10, ChicagoHash.com
Hash break
Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 7:00pm, The Whhhiskey Wednesday Hash. Oh Die Mark is haring from Aberdeen Tap at 440 N. Aberdeen. 
Hash Break
Thu, Feb 27, 2025, 7:00pm, The Thirstday Hash. Oh Die Mark is haring from Dugans at 128 S. Halsted, $10 Hash Cash, ThirstdayH3.com
Hash Break
Fri, Feb 28, 2025, 7:00pm, The Thirstday Hash. Horn-E is haring from the Union Pacific North Metra station at Peterson/Ridge, at Ravenswood. The 6:32 train from Olgivie station gets in at 6:48. Get your ticket in advance to avoid a penalty. Heated waiting room. Bring a roodie. There are south bound trains at 9:28, 10:28. etc. Get a roodie from the hare. $5 Hash Cash
Hash Break
Sat, Mar 1, 2025, Noon at Blueberry Hill  in Forest Park at 427 Des Plaines or watch the local St. Patrick's Day parade. Hash time is at 2:00pm as usual. Party after at the home of False Advertising and Zone 2. Hare is Crotch Fire. $5 Hash Cash 
Hash Break
Sun, Mar 2, 2025, 2:00pm, The Chicago Hash, Oh Die Mark is again haring this time from Reggies at 2105. S. State. $10 Hash Cash. ChicagoHash.com
Hash Break
Tue. Mar 4, 2025, 6:30 pm, the 4x2h4 Hash. Oh Die mark is haring his fourth trail in seven days. This time from Damen Tavern at 701 S. Damen, $2 Hash Cash. 
The Tale of the Trail
Wed, 13 Feb 2025, The First Crack of the Moon Hash. Bit On The Clit hared from Skylark for the shortest, least marked trail of the year. It snowed and lightly colored yellow flour just didn't show up under the light snow the came after she laid the trail. If we saw five marks we saw a thousand. Actually we saw three. That forth one was a dog. We saw one mark on a tiny mound of snow. I think. About a quarter of a snowball. Another mark was against the base of a lamp post and not much at that. The third mark was at a corner and only visible at the tiny holes in the snow around a small piece of salt. Yep, that was it. We went back and had a quite circle because the bar doesn't like our singing. Hounds were Oh Die Mark, Berts Special Friend, Meat Inside Her and Horn-E.
Hash Break
Thu. 13 Feb. 2025. The Thirstday Hash. Rip 'em & Snip 'em hared from Ricochet's Public House 5 hounds. The snow was mostly shoveled and we took off on an abbreviated trail. Probably less then two miles and a shot stop at Montrose and Lincoln where Catstro Dick Assist joined the pack for the rest of the trail. Two blocks. The main pack took off to the north and a back check and into an alley where the ladies ran right past a turn mark. The rest of the trail was all sidewalks and mostly marked very well. Various leaders, mostly Cumming Right Meow followed by Horn-E, He's Still Limping and Throat Job.
Hash Break
Sat, 15 Feb 2025, The Bushman Hash, Horn-E hared from Lechowicz Woods for 7 hounds. And only six drinking which made my hidden 12 pack perfect. The trail headed over the foot bridge and across Central and into woods. winding through trees with hopefully well crafted Splits to slow down the FRBs as they climbed over logs and wound around trees and stumps and such. this eventually led to a Check that was well laid. Probably not because the pack got through the damn trail to quickly. The next Check was at the golf course and the On On was probably to easy. Go left and further into the golf course. This led to a foot bridge up hill and over the river. There was a Split here, but with those hounds so familiar with those woods, it was probably real easy. Not. And eventually it comes out at the next fairway and a check. I again tried to hide the marks over the fairway, around some trees and back east for a big loop, designed to keep the pack together. And this led to another foot bridge. I caught the pack here real good in the last two trails around here. Did it work? Who knows. But they eventually crossed another fairway and up a steep slippery hill and a parking lot. Through woods and across Central led them to Edgebrook woods and some looping around here before finally coming to the river with a B sign out into the semi frozen river and the hare on the other side with the beer. Well, they know the area and it was a nice wooded loop around planning your own route to where you know the beer is waiting. Snow cold. Since it was the day after Valentine's day, I placed the individual cans in a heart shape in some virgin snow to chill properly. After a short circle we headed over to High Stool for a perfect Guinness pour and a moment to warm up. We did welcome back Morrocan Roofie and her friend a virgin Bushman Hash, Just Steve. See you all next month. On Out
Hash Break
Sun, Feb 16, 2025, The Chicago Hash, Marbelous Asshole finally gave us a location, at Cleo's and he did a live trail for 10 hounds. The CTA sabotaged my plans again and I was late. Real late. As I walked up to the bar, I saw the horrors of purple chalk. Well, maybe in the sunshine it might work, but it didn't look good. I checked inside and there were two hounds. It was a half hour late and it is a good thing I didn't head out on trail. I would have never figured out that every mark was a check and the next mark was a block away in any direction. No wonder the pack stayed together. They could never get more then a block away from the pack. Or so it would seem. When laying non standard marks, it would be nice to sort of let people know in advance. That way late arrivals might have a chance to catch the pack. Anyhow, somehow the pack did stay together and around four we headed over by car to join the circle. Just as the the FRB, Berts Special Friend was coming on in. Circle was held on a sidewalk in a park and in the middle of the sidewalk, $20 Butt Stuff was curled up with He's Still Limping, tongue wrestling and whatever trying to keep warm. Is it to late for a write in campaign for hash couple of the year.  And Back Door Bizzle led us in our religious ceremonies until it got to cold. Then we were on out
Hash Break
On ON and Swing Low,


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