HHHi HHHashers
See my calendar at www.brownbearsw.com/freecal/hashcal and my web site at HHHinChicago.com
Visitors and new hashers (virgins), we start meeting at the listed times and start hashing a half hour later. Time
for a quick beer. Anyone want off this list, email Horn-E at H3HornEH3@aol.com and it will be done.  

New hashers or visitors, many hashes are back yards or parks. Outside. Be prepared for the current weather.  
We occasionally charge up to $10 for hash cash. Hash Cash money usually goes entirely to beer, but might 
include costs for food. HARES: Please get your locations updated ASAP but at least a week to 10 days in 
advance so we can publish them. Helps attendance.
Hashing has always been open to anyone. Hares: If you can't invite all hashers to "your" hash, perhaps you 
should postpone "your" hash to when you can. Simply put, if you can't invite all, don't invite any. These are "our" 
hashes and should be open to all at all times. If you don't know how to make this work, ask us.

The Chicago Marathon Beer Stop is something I started 25 to 30 years ago. As such I always pick the location. Somehow this year some individual(s) decided to pick an alternative stop that was a block before the location I picked, and essentially sabotaged the official location because hashers just stopped at the first location they saw fellow hashers. I announced the correct and official location and posted it. But Chicago Hash wouldn't correct it even after talking to the GM. 

The Chicago Marathon Beer Stop was never about any particular Hash, but a collection of hashers from all area hashes helping me help these marathoners, and all beer etc was always donated by individuals, except for the four or five years I got us sponsorship from breweries. I have offered over the last two years to pass some of this off to the area GMs out of a sense of cooperation and coordination. Not one contacted me. This is not the sort of camaraderie I expect from friends(?) and fellow hashers.  Very disappointing.

Next year I again intend to post the official location of the Chicago Marathon Beer Stop. I would hope the GMs at that time will work with me in selecting the site and not have two separate sites, in the spirit of cooperation and coordination instead of confrontation. Or at least be upfront and say you are setting up an alternative 2nd anniversary location. Meanwhile, the marathoners did manage to have two opportunities to get beer and we can only be glad that we brought a lot of joy to a lot of marathoners.  Horn-E 


Hash break
Thu, 17 Oct. 2024, 7:00pm, The Thirstday Hash, Meat inside Her and Berts Special Friend are haring from Estelle's at 2013 W. North Ave. A themed hash. Basketball team sports wear, or similar.  $5 Hash Cash
Hash break
Fri. 18 Oct, 2024, 7:00pm, The Chicago Full Moon Hash. Horn-E is laying trail from Barrelman at Paulina/Ridge/Peterson. Super Moon and great viewing area at the On In. Get there by CTA, Clark bus to Peterson and walk west one block or Metra to Peterson and walk east one block. The Black Socks Hash. 
Hash Break
Sat. 19 Oct. 2024, 2:00pm, The Bushman Hash, Horn-E will hare from Cumberland and Irving Park. All woods all the time. CTA Irving Park bus to the end of the line. Meet on the NW corner at the bus shelter. Weather Sunny and about 70.  $5  Hash Cash  
Hash Break
Sun. Oct 20, 2024, 2:00pm, The Chicago Hash. Silent But Deadly and Steps in Shit are haring from The Woodlawn Tap at 1172 E. 55th St.  A hurricane relief hash. Hash Cash donated to the family of Shittie Situation who lost everything in the Hurricane. $10 Hash Cash, ChicagoHash,com
Hash break 

The Tale of the Trail
Hash break
Thu, 10 Oct. 2024, The Thirstday Hash, SnatchSquatch and Furry Spice hared from Dugans for an unknown pack of hounds. If it isn't the CTA, now it is Metra. I started out getting there my Metra and one stop into my trip the train stopped. No one, including conductors knew why. Someone said police activity at the Clybourn Stop, our next stop. Trains in both directions were halted. I found out later that the trains were halted for 3 hours on this line only. Possibly for a motorcade. Hey, this route is elevated and doesn't affect ground traffic. Anyhow, I left the train 40 minutes later and went home. On Sat we found marks at the north end of Goose Island. Did it go there? Didn't they realize that we had a Big Dog Hash starting there on Sat? Whatever. 
hash break
Sat. 12 Oct. 2024, The Big Dog Hash, Back Door Bizzle hared from Goose Island. We had a pack of 4 hounds, two walkers and two runners. The walkers just followed the hare to the beer stop. Meanwhile False Advertising took off east on North Ave and then at the second block headed straight north. Meanwhile Horn-E followed and already lost sight of him at that point. But I never lost trail and only had one bad spot on trail. That was after crossing Clybourn at a Check and coming to a Split in neighborhood with a lot of streets going in many different directions. One Split caused gave me hell because I apparently just didn't go far enough in Checking it out. But eventually I was back on trail at Clybourn and Cortland. More industrial area leading to a bridge at Webster and over to Ashland. Here was a Turkey/Eagle Split. I took the Turkey and headed south on Ashland. Met a New York hasher here for the marathon. And eventually trail again coming off of the Metra station. A block later was a beer stop, and they were all leaving as I arrived. From here we walked back to the Start and held a short circle between the five of us and then went home. On Out.
Hash Break
Oct 13, 2024, The Chicago Hash. Ice Princess and Lost Her Penis hared from Maria's Packaged Goods and Bar. Nice place. Too bad that only two hashers showed up to hash, two walkers also showed, the lame and the tired, and two hares. WTF. They laid a short trail that went west and north and up to Archer. There was a great photo Opp with Bottom Wrangler posing as if he was on the bow of the Titanic. Then they went northeast on archer past a series of Splits that went nowhere, up to Halsted and into the old Quarry area and uphill and over to a lookout over the little lake. And here were the hares and the two waklers, Silent But Deadly and Horn-E. We held a very short but fun circle and then it was On Out.
Hash break 
On On and Swing Low 


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